This is the best Art & Crafty Market in PJ.
Compare with others flea market, this is the best Art & Crafty Market I had join.
This place truly great for those who really are art and craft people.
Great place to show their art and crafty product, and sold too.
Good management control by Etsy Malaysia.

This is my place. Wonderful place with enough spacing.
Showing my caricature artwork and my Dragon artwork for sell too.
Doing live caricature too on spot.

My past bazaar I had join:
Subang Bazaar
Shaw Parade Bazaar I
Shaw Parade Bazaar II
Chan Association Bazaar
Compare with others flea market, this is the best Art & Crafty Market I had join.
This place truly great for those who really are art and craft people.
Great place to show their art and crafty product, and sold too.
Good management control by Etsy Malaysia.

This is my place. Wonderful place with enough spacing.
Showing my caricature artwork and my Dragon artwork for sell too.
Doing live caricature too on spot.

My past bazaar I had join:
Subang Bazaar
Shaw Parade Bazaar I
Shaw Parade Bazaar II
Chan Association Bazaar