How To Screen Print Business Card At Home By Triton Lim - Screenprint Artist


Screen Printing On Paper

I think screen printing the basic knowledge you should have is, how to expose image. Without exposing, the rest wouldn't work. And it gives you more control on quality, quantity, image ideas design flow, & hand feelings too. Different emulsion brand, each come with different time exposure and caring as well. It's take time to master & controlling it. No doubt, it's long journey to step into screen printing field.

Everything From Raw

The business card concept ideas, all come from raw. Everything start from sketch. This mean all controlling by yourself. At the end, the hand feeling holding the card is important.

Eventually, I'm glad I manage to complete this screen printing tasks. This giving me more confidence on handling screen printing paper. Screen printing never die. But you got to passion and need to invest more time than ever before. Triton Lim Artist, not only just focusing on Caricature Malaysia, now he is playing a role as Screen Print Artist Malaysia too.

