Silkscreen T-shirt Collection Of Triton Lim With His First Own Creations

 #01 Collection Start From 17 March

From beginning, he took few class. After that, a lot of hard work runa nd test error by himself. Then result came. So Triton decided to have his own collection as you see now. Loving animal and wilds. Bringing life on t-shirts. 从草稿到丝印,从拍照放上这里及考虑价钱,从点点滴滴到这里,好漫长的过程。今天他会绢印,都是因为他跑了很多家店,问讯绢印手工画作的稿子,都说不行,吃了很多门钉子。所以他今后拼个老命,都要把绢印给学好。现在你们看见的这些#01 Collection,都是手作画稿转换去绢印诞生出来的。


Silkscreen is hard. And he took a lot of time and hard work to get it well. He promised he must have his own collection. Keep the original feel is what he always look for. He love animals and wild so much. While this is meaningful for him. Even shop cart page all photo and text is done by Triton. All hard work been dedicated here. Give support to local Silkscreen Malaysia Artist: Triton Lim.


目前此collection都是以预购方式进行,因为本身觉得有剩余的存货会很浪费。请多多支持本地“绢印创作家:Triton Lim”吧。