The Best Solution: Drawing All Guests

Draw after event with photo snap & email copy

Most of time, client need all his staffs to have caricature draw each person one, on the event day (annual dinner, company event or others...). But there is a time limitation. Thus, the best solution is, Triton Lim Artist, advise draw after the event day/event show. Meaning, caricature draw based on photo given, which snap on that day. Everything by email.

After finish all caricature draw, we ship to the client destination. That's it. The best solution so far. We had done this method to Sabah client already. Twice.

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Caricature Artist Malaysia - Triton Lim Artist: “很多时候,顾客要求全部员工都要有一张似颜绘作品。但是由于现场时间有限,所以只好在活动完毕后,每人补上个人照,透过在工作室补画,然后再邮寄给顾客。”这是目前唯一最好的解决方法。