Surface Pro Pen come with AAAA battery and two 319 battery inside. They funny things is, I search all hardware shop in Mid Valley, no one selling AAAA battery. This is Malaysia. Always shortage occur. Shortage occurred only for those not high demand product.

Until...lah when Malaysia can changed? Economy bad, RM money rate low, services bad, staff cut off, petrol increase, toll increase, haze issues...Who should blame actually? Does anyone blame on ourself first?

Until...lah when Malaysia can changed? Economy bad, RM money rate low, services bad, staff cut off, petrol increase, toll increase, haze issues...Who should blame actually? Does anyone blame on ourself first?

Surface Pro Pen,好在有磁力作用。可以贴在Surface Pro Tablet上面。可惜的是,当电池没了,很难在相机、电器店、五金店找到。这就是马来西亚一般代理商的作风,只顾利润,不顾售后服务。