Thanks A.T. Kearney having me for your company farewell present. This is really hard order for me. Never done this before. And spend a lot of time. A lot of hard work. View my 2nd order piece of caricature by A.T. Kearney here.

All people in the caricature, come from different country background. Got Korean, Indonesia, India, Singapore, Philippine...and so on. 10 people, 10 different position. With one stand out bigger full body in center of drawing. Too tough. Impossible job. I almost cry until the midnight. Work all day long. Slept 2-3 hours. It's make crazy.
It give me a 100% sure reason. Deposit always come with first, then job start. Never go with your kindness. It will make you blind with regret. You will never sleep as well. You got to have normal life as other official worker in normal life. So you got to told yourself, something got to be change. In order to get you free of stress. Remember.

All people in the caricature, come from different country background. Got Korean, Indonesia, India, Singapore, Philippine...and so on. 10 people, 10 different position. With one stand out bigger full body in center of drawing. Too tough. Impossible job. I almost cry until the midnight. Work all day long. Slept 2-3 hours. It's make crazy.
It give me a 100% sure reason. Deposit always come with first, then job start. Never go with your kindness. It will make you blind with regret. You will never sleep as well. You got to have normal life as other official worker in normal life. So you got to told yourself, something got to be change. In order to get you free of stress. Remember.
