Special gift for Epicor's co-workers.
Thanks Matthew. Thanks Epicor.
This was last minute commissions before Chinese New Years Eve.

Kind funny. Q.
I don't want to hand it over to client. After drawing so well. "cry..."
Anyway, client received with such a happiness.
Big surprise for his co-workers.

Lucky framing shop still able to make me one frame.
They were almost closing the shop for Chinese New Year Eve.

Thanks Matthew. Thanks Epicor.
This was last minute commissions before Chinese New Years Eve.

Kind funny. Q.
I don't want to hand it over to client. After drawing so well. "cry..."
Anyway, client received with such a happiness.
Big surprise for his co-workers.

Lucky framing shop still able to make me one frame.
They were almost closing the shop for Chinese New Year Eve.
