MystatTr is a Malaysia fund raising platform.
I'm here for my introduction fund raising project.
Do you still remember I always said keep my original as well?
The original is the everything. The master piece. The live one.

Yeah, you should keep it well. No matter when. No matter you want or not.
Keep it well. Keep it safe. Keep it as long as you are.
Color can add on using digital hand painting. Whenever you want. Promise original safe.
Below is the result digital paint.

I'm here for my introduction fund raising project.
Do you still remember I always said keep my original as well?
The original is the everything. The master piece. The live one.
Yeah, you should keep it well. No matter when. No matter you want or not.
Keep it well. Keep it safe. Keep it as long as you are.
Color can add on using digital hand painting. Whenever you want. Promise original safe.
Below is the result digital paint.
一年即将过去,到底多少位马来西亚人真正认识到caricature呢?我的blog到底多少人读过呢?我的FB page到底又多少人follow呢?