3rd time joining Fuyoh. Getting more crowd now. Sure with good organizer management.
Nowadays Jaya One Market become fashion bazaar almost. I was surprise. High rental now.
You can view back my post here. That time still consider ok.
You know what. A lot of people really surprise their kids can draw caricature as well.
I'm great can guide them draw until finish.
It was great experience how to felt like caricaturist for them.
At least you are brave to hold the pen until the end in the crowd with no fear.
"I really proud of yours."

Nowadays Jaya One Market become fashion bazaar almost. I was surprise. High rental now.
You can view back my post here. That time still consider ok.
You know what. A lot of people really surprise their kids can draw caricature as well.
I'm great can guide them draw until finish.
It was great experience how to felt like caricaturist for them.
At least you are brave to hold the pen until the end in the crowd with no fear.
"I really proud of yours."