Phooi, FB Friend fr Singapore hv a visit at my place. Thx 4 visiting.
Oso a student of Kamal, Caricatures Singapore.
Phooi & I hv a conversation at my place. 2 know each other well.
story about caricature, art culture Singapore & Malaysia...& so on...

This is Phooi caricature artwork. Present given to hers friend. Lovely...
Phooi hv a nice fundamental skill. Great work.
Great work of Kamal too. Teaching caricature to students.
"Phooi, nx time I drop by ur place."
Oso a student of Kamal, Caricatures Singapore.
Phooi & I hv a conversation at my place. 2 know each other well.
story about caricature, art culture Singapore & Malaysia...& so on...

This is Phooi caricature artwork. Present given to hers friend. Lovely...
Phooi hv a nice fundamental skill. Great work.
Great work of Kamal too. Teaching caricature to students.
"Phooi, nx time I drop by ur place."