Thanks your artwork, my guest really like it so much.
Thanks your artwork, my guest really like it so much.
Congratulation to Mario and Connie.
This was the great time let yours know live caricatures.
Beside having life band, emcee all the decade, live caricatures is a part of entertainment too.
Just not many caricature artist in Malaysia doing this.
And not many Chinese caricature artist too.
Now I'm the one. Share it to your friend who are getting marry soon, let them know live caricatures wedding dinner by Triton Lim.

Having fun with caricatures. And me photo with lovely kids.
This was the wonderful moment you having my caricatures.
Yeah, Malaysia a bit slow this kind of culture. But what to do. I'm still need to do.
I'm need your all help, please share it to your friends there. This is live caricatures by Triton Lim.

*Other pictures look for here.
View more wedding caricature event I had done here.
And some older wedding event here.