Thanks Kraftangan Malaysia.
Take part in Kerja Promosi Perkahwinan 2011.

Good try here to promote my Caricature. Especially caricature for wedding.
The wedding event running here there are huge gap if compare with Corporate event company. Anyway, there are nice Try.

Once again, caricature are very famous in Oversea. Even Singapore. Hope Malaysia have this kind of culture. And support Malaysia local caricature artist.
Take part in Kerja Promosi Perkahwinan 2011.

Good try here to promote my Caricature. Especially caricature for wedding.
The wedding event running here there are huge gap if compare with Corporate event company. Anyway, there are nice Try.

Once again, caricature are very famous in Oversea. Even Singapore. Hope Malaysia have this kind of culture. And support Malaysia local caricature artist.